Research Article
“Generals” in Hong Kong Theater: The Translation of Chen Ying-Zhen’s Work by the Amity Drama Club
Mak, Lok-Man
七○年代以降台灣文學對香港的影響力似乎日漸衰弱,鄉土文學運動的影響更被認為是「水過無痕」, 這種見解可能與香港文學與戲劇關係長期以來遭到忽視有關。成立於七○年代初的香港業餘劇團致群劇社曾於1981年上演張秉權改編之《將軍族》話劇,此前亦曾改編上演《鄉土形象:兒子的大玩偶、夜行貨車》(1978)。從台灣到香港的跨文類改編本來是兩地文藝的流動風景,大概因為原始資料散佚不全,一直未見討論。以中文大學畢業生為骨幹的致群劇社之成立,正值香港學運的「認中關社」(認識中國,關心社會)作為口號被提出之時,劇社的演出亦每每扣連學運、社運的脈搏。本文將細讀張秉權提供之《將軍族》劇本手稿,對照方方改編劇本和陳映真原著文本,討論香港劇場工作者在這樣的歷史脈絡下如何理解、改編並呈現原著小說,嘗試為台灣文學傳播至香港之進路提供另一參考點。
The influence of Taiwan literature over Hong Kong diminished gradually since 1970s. It’s even a mutual understanding that Taiwan’s “Hsiang-tu literature” of 1970s left no trace in Hong Kong. This paper suggests that such a saying omitted the buried relationship between literature and theater movement in Hong Kong. The Amity Drama Club found in early 1970s translated a series of “Hsiang-tu” fictions including Chen Ying-zhen‘s “Generals,” “Night Truck” and Hwang Chun-ming’s “His Son's Big Doll” etc and put them on show at the late 1970s. The Amity Drama Club was found in the atmosphere of the nationalist student movement upholding the slogan “knowing China and caring the society” since 1970s. Their shows harmonized with the rising of the movement. Illustrating those adaptations provides another perspective to investigate the interaction between the literary field of Taiwan and Hong Kong. Based on the manuscript “Generals” provided by the author CHEUNG Ping-kuen (one of the founders of the Club), this paper attempts to discuss how Chen Ying-zhen’s text “Generals” be interpreted in such a context of Hong Kong. A comparative framework is deployed to read into the text in details together with another script translated by Fong Fong and the original text of Chen Ying-zhen.
Keywords: Chen Ying-zhen, Cheung Ping-kuen, Hong Kong literature, Hong Kong drama, Literature adaptation