2017年8月31日 星期四


Research Article

Yesi’s Discourse of Hong Kong Poetry of the 1970s: In the Light of Modern Poetry Polemic of Taiwan

Wong, Ka-Ki





      The studies of Hong Kong Poetry of the 1970s mainly focus on the “Everydayness” poetry, a study frame that was mainly established by Yesi (Leung Ping-kwan) after 1980s. However, if we take a closer look at the situation back in the 1970s, we may find some missing puzzles in Yesi’s version of the history. As Yesi tended to established reference with the Taiwan poetry, conducting comparative study of Hong Kong and Taiwan poetry seems an appropriate way to examine the flaws in his literary discourse.

      This paper first summarizes the critical opinion of modern poetry of Hong Kong and Taiwan in the ‘60s and ‘70s, in which we may found Yesi’s rejection of the ethnicity deviated from the mainstream opinion. Then, in the light of the fruitful studies of modern poetry by Taiwan scholars, points out several concepts that Hong Kong and Taiwan share but have different context and meaning in them. Thus points out some problematic discursive acts by Yesi, including the exclusion of “Neo-Classicism” from modern poetry and the denial of the fact that “Everydayness” poetry and the realism poetry actually share some stylistic features. Future discussion of Hong Kong modern poetry should fill in those missing puzzles that Yesi did not cover.

Keywords: Modern poetry, Neo-Classicism, Realism, “Everyday-ness” poetry, Comparative study of Hong Kong andTaiwan Poetry


