2014年11月30日 星期日




Bring Back to Focus:
Re-exploring Hong Kong Literature in the 1980s

Chen, Siao-Yun





        In the 1980s it had been confirmed that the handover would take place in 1997. This historic issue brought Hong Kong to the focus of the whole world. There was a lot of discussion on Hong Kong about its political outlook, economic development, cultural discourse, and literary imagination, which facilitated the rise of Hong Kong studies. If narrowing down our discussion realm to Hong Kong literature, we can find that during the period of 1980s and 1990s, Hong Kong literature had become the central issue. After 1997, some relative discussion and discourse about Hong Kong literature continued and the devotion of scholars was as significant. Nevertheless, the studies of Hong Kong literature has the tendency to decline. Now 17 years have passed since the handover, it is necessary to re-explore Hong Kong in this phase since the factor of China has become a common subject that Taiwan and Hong Kong both have to face. It will help us to find a new frame to explore Hong Kong literature and enlarge the range of discussion of Taiwanese literature and Hong Kong literature.

Keywords: 1980s, Hong Kong Literature, the Rise of Hong Kong Studies


Research Article


On the ‘Actual Contributions’ of the Mainland Literati: AStudy Based on the Editorial Strategies of Hong Kong Ta KungPao ’s Literary Supplement (1938-1941)

Fan, Sin Piu






        The Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao (1938-1941) inherited the anti-Japanese stand from its Shanghai counterpart. The editors of the newspaper’s Literary Supplement Xiao Qian (蕭乾) and Yang Gang (楊剛) were mainlanders who supported the anti-Japanese war through literary works. It was generally thought that the literati from the mainland of this period spread new ideas, new cultures, new-vernacular literature and anti-Japanese sentiments, as a result their actual contributions brought the first climax of the Hong Kong literature.

        This paper discusses the local perspectives of Xiao and Yang with reference to the newspaper’s literary supplements. The ‘actual contributions’ of Xiao and Yang to Hong Kong literature are carefully reassessed.

        This paper also argues that nationalism may not be the most important factor which influenced the first generation of local (Hong Kong) writers, and that the mainland literati are not single-minded. National consciousness should not be the only assessment criterion when we reconstruct history of Hong Kong literature.

Keywords: Ta Kung Pao, literary supplement, the mainland literati, literary history of Hong Kong

知性的對決/孤絕的存在:一九五、六○年代白萩的詩論、詩作對「現代 詩」寫作的擴展與延伸

Research Article


Intellectual Reflection/Lonely Existence: Influences of Bai Ciou’s Poetics and Poetry in 1950s’ and 1960s’ on Enriching and Extending Modern Poetry

Juan, Mei-Hui






        Bai Ciou (白萩, 1937-) shows his literary talent at the age of 18. In 1955, he won the 1. Poetry Award from “Chinese Poetry Association” (中國新詩協會) for his work “compass” (羅盤). He is then hailed as a “poet of genius”, attracting much attention from his colleagues. Owing to this, his poetics and poetry, emphasizing the modern essences of lonely existence and intellectual reflection, has certain inspiration for the writing of modern poetry.
        Bai Ciou (白萩) emphasizes the importance of experiment and innovation. He re-thinks the relationship between tradition and individuals, and suggests that poets cannot be subordinated to tradition, but has to go through and transcend it. This is indeed his interpretation of modernity. Besides, he puts forward the intellectuality of poetry, analyzing the difference between emotion and feeling and emphasizing the strict structure and organization of ideas. Those are the elements which keep the poetry in its integrality and eternality. Technically, he focuses on the arrangement of space (pictorial) and time (musical) of poetry, building the original relationship between poetry and things, which makes the poetry innovative in its images, rhymes and melodies. These novel approaches are introduced for showing the deep meaning of poetry, the real situation of existence and the loneliness in the reality in 1950s’ and 1960s’. Bai Ciou’s (白萩) poetry, being written in accurate language, is a kind of “seduction of heresy” and offers a new approach for modern poetry. Bai Ciou (白萩), as a real poet, is always at the forefront of the times.

Keywords: Bai Ciou (白萩), modern poetry, intellectual reflection, lonely existence, original relationship of poetry

日治初期警察官眼中的台灣原住民形象 ――以〈生蕃探險記〉為例

Research Article


“SEIBANTANKENKI”: How Taiwanese Aborigines Were Perceived
by Japanese Police Officer in the Early Colonial Period

Chien, Chung Hao





        “SEIBANTANKENKI” (A Description of Taiwanese Savages) were published in the magazine Taiyao (The Sun) as a series of short stories. They were some of the early documents focusing on Taiwanese aborigines in the Japanese colonial period. In the early years of the Japanese colonial governance, most of the first-handed “Works of Taiwanese Aborigines” were written by Japanese police officers residing in the mountains. Most of the police officers’ writings were administrative or legal paper
works based on the needs of governance; few of them were written for the general public. This paper will use “SEIBANTANKENKI”, which was written by a police officer in the early Japanese colonial period, as an example to explore the process and background of the writing, in order to understand how people perceive Taiwanese aborigines around that time.

Keywords: Japanese colonial period, Taiwanese aborigines, barbarian, Taiyao (The Sun) , exploration


Research Article


Literary Struggle, Literary Weapon Theory, Literary Popularity:
On the Protarian Literature Theory of Ming-Hong Lai and its Inherent Conflicts

Lai, Song-Hui





        The paper exams a debate of Folklore Literature during the 1930s, Ming-Hong Lai embarked a discussion on class and nationality with Southern Voice . Therefore, my research will focus on three themes. Firstly, I will draw difference among the power relationship, the literary system and the culture capital between Ming-Hong Lai and Southern Voice . Secondly, how Ming-Hong Lai launched a series of literary infighting to criticize other literary communities such as Southern Voice, Taiwan New Daily Newspaper, Modern Literature and the Third Literature as a Bourgeois Literature. Thirdly, I will focus on the limitation of Lai’s contradiction in terms of the reasonability of literary theory and the consistency of ideology. Meanwhile, Lai made no sense to attack his counterpart’s literature theory and failed to persuade us with his arguments.

Keywords: Ming-Hong Lai, literary struggle, literary weapon theory, literary popularity, folklore literature debate

國姓爺 異托邦

Feature Article

國姓爺 異托邦 
L’hétérotopie Coxinga

Alain Brossat

羅惠珍 譯
Trans. Lo, Hui-Chen

2014年11月29日 星期六


針對 庶民視角的教習踐行:邊界文本與抵殖民的家園政治 一文的回應



Forum: Subaltern Studies as Pedagogies——Their Bearing on Literary Studies


Toward a Subaltern Pedagogy:
Border Texts and De-colonial Politics of Homeplace

Lien, Hsi





        This paper illustrates the marketization of schooling and a decolonial process of education in Taiwan. The author intends to adopt the perspective of subaltern studies to investigate the educators’ engagement in the political action for decolonialization. The author points out that the internal-colonial governors often demoralizes the subaltern as groups of people who need to be fixed or helped. In fact, the subaltern groups who live in poverty are people with dignity and subjects with self-sufficiency. The author suggests that the subaltern’s homeplaces are sites of resistance against dehumanization; they are places where people strive to create innovative lives, and also those where social learning occurs. The author suggests that there are multiple layers of political space in de-colonial politics. Making efforts to understand the subaltern life world is as important as to take political actions for people to reserve their homeplaces as sites of social empowerment. Transversal politics emphasize rooting in communities and shifting perspectives. It helps to establish solidarity among people engaging in critical transformative dialogues.

Keywords: decolonialization, subaltern pedagogy, radical education, homeplace, praxis-oriented research


Forum: Subaltern Studies as Pedagogies——Their Bearing on Literary Studies

Kabir in the Indo-Islamic Millennium

Milind Wakankar

丘延亮、張馨文 翻譯整理


針對 如何思考人民?——論葛蘭西「民族—人民的」概念 一文的回應



Forum: Subaltern Studies as Pedagogies——Their Bearing on Literary Studies


How to Think about the People?
On Gramsci’s Concept “National-popular”

Chen, Yue




        Whenever Antonio Gramsci refers to “the people” positively, this concept is always set in the context “national-popular”, a selfcoined expression. In Italian language, “national” is no equivalent to “popular”, but points to“the reflection of the national dystocia of Italy in a modern form”. “Unequal development” leads us to the extraordinary characteristics of his object—the people—and his unique way of thinking about it: that is, similar to Machiavelli, to regard the non-conceptual being of “the people” as an eternal starting point of history. However, this is completely opposite to philosophers’ approach which starts with the historical result—Man. The latter, taking Kant’s text as an example, indicates a historical process of bourgeois’ moulding Man according to their own images—to adopt “national-popular” and enlightenment as citizen (Bürger). The way Gramsci rethinks and re-proposes the concept “national-popular” appears to be a theoretical detour and a theoretical reworking, especially the re-proposing of theoretical problems and the re-establishment of theoretical position. His assumption, “the war of position”, constitutes the most powerful aspect of Gramsci’s thoughts, which includes a double position those organic intellectuals must take. Therefore, the so-called “subaltern” is the problem Gramsci thinks about in this “double position”: only in the unified process of “national-popular” can the subaltern class write about their own history, especially their liberation history.


La Révolte de Frantz Fanon

Aimé Césaire

林深靖 譯
Trans. Lin, Shenjing


Keynote Speech

Les Bombes à Retardement du Colonialisme et les Nouvelles Formes de Colonialism

Mireille Fanon Mendès France

林深靖 譯
Trans. Lin, Shenjing



        本期論壇收錄了2013101819日由本系所舉辦的「台灣文學研究的界線、視線與戰線」國際研討會部分精彩的內容。該會議由前系主任廖淑芳組織而成,她以最大的耐心,鍥而不舍地帶領師生團隊完成這場艱難的會議。活動聚集了海內外各方大師,從國外遠道而來的如革命家與精神分析師法農(Frantz Fanon)的女兒米海兒‧法農(Mireille Fanon Mendès France)、印度著名學者瓦戡卡爾(Milind Wakankar)、來自西安的葛蘭西權威陳越等人,為大會提供了人文研究的「界線、視線與戰線」的思考。


        本刊「庶民研究」專題,邀請到印度庶民研究很重要學者瓦戡卡爾談論〈印度―伊斯蘭千禧年中的聖人卡比爾〉。他深入探問宗教性(religiosity)在「非事件」(non-event)的反抗行為中的意義,探討其如何在歷史上構成一個「時節」(moment)使得部落原住民意識覺醒,以及原住民如何從個體性(individuality)生成階段進入到「政治社會」(political society)之中。中研院民族所研究員丘延亮的評論指出,瓦戡卡爾的研究正可以提供台灣與華南地區在歷史上以宗教為名的農民反叛事件的另一種思路。




        本期特稿邀請到法國巴黎第八大學哲學系名譽教授布洛薩(Alain Brossat)的〈國姓爺 異托邦〉專文。布洛薩這篇文章是為2010年在法國巴黎大學所舉辦的「思考十七世紀戰爭」研討會而寫,他高度評價鄭成功與荷蘭人的戰爭,深入分析國姓爺所建立的「漂浮主權」,為台灣史與台灣文化研究帶來新的思考。學術動態報導部分則為本系博士生陳筱筠的〈注目:重探一九八○年代香港文學〉一文,分享一九八○年代之後香港文學的發展。



2014年2月24日 星期一


研究論文Research Article
The modernity of society: Focusing on the Li Poetic Organization

Li, Chi Hau






The Li Poetic Organization has always been considered a Loyalist group which fought against Japanese government in Japanese colonial period, but this definition could be adjusted to a new vision by organizing all the modern documents and reviews revealed in recent years. Li Poetic Organization was found to be able to absorb modern knowledge and to create modern consciousness and movements. The uniqueness of this organization was able to inspire their members and lead them to modernity.

The modernity of Li Poetic Organization is very clear. A specific regulation needed to be obeyed was set from the beginning of this society and had never been diverged. Interviews of scholars, literary lectures and other cultural communications had been held in this community to provide its members a further understanding of the modern society. On the other hand, a system of composing same topics encouraged the members in this organization to have multiple thinking or brainstorming over the modern culture. From all the above, the modernity and avant-garde meanings of this organization had been specifically revealed and highlighted.

Keywords: Li Poetic Organization, enlightenment, modernity, Taiwan classical poetry, Taiwan Literature


研究論文Research Article
The lost “Liau,Thiam-ting”: the plebeian discourse of “Tai-uan gi-tshat sin-kua Liau Thiam-ting” in the complete edition.

Ke, Jung-san




關鍵詞: 廖添丁、歌仔冊、梁松林、劫富濟貧、話語


Liau, Thiam-ting(廖添丁, 1883~1909) was the famous “Good Outlaw”(the bandit who was robbing the rich to help the poor) in Taiwan. The “Tai-uan gi-tshat sin-kua Liau Thiam-ting” (臺灣義賊新歌廖添丁, 1955) was a Taiwanese ballad that talking about Liau Thiam-ting’s stories.
In the past, we could found only 6 volumes of “Tai-uan gi-tshat sin-kua Liau Thiam-ting.’’ But now we find out the complete edition of “Tai-uan gi-tshat sin-kua Liau Thiam-ting” (1955) which has 12 volumes.
    The complete edition “Tai-uan gi-tshat sin-kua Liau Thiam-ting”(12 volumes) was written by the Taiwanese author “Niu, Siong-lim(梁松林, 1889~?) Accientally, we  realize that the author “Niu, Siong-limwas also living in Taipei city and in the Japanese colonial era.
In the past, Taiwanese ballad was a popular literature in Taiwan. The content(thought) of “Tai-uan gi-tshat sin-kua Liau Thiam-ting” was closed to the thoughts of civilian.
Consequently, in “Tai-uan gi-tshat sin-kua Liau Thiam-ting, we could find that people think Liau was a “Good Outlaw who robbed the rich to help the poor and liked to give money to someone in need. So, after he die, he became a great model of noble.

Keywords: Li Poetic Organization, enlightenment, modernity, Taiwan classical poetry, Taiwan Literature


研究論文Research Article
Representing the Past:A Pilot Study of Various Forms of History
-- Examplied by Atayal Cultural Writing and Wushe Incident related Comics

Huang, Kuo-Chao


在許多的研究中,線性史(linear history)與循環史(cyclical history)經常被用來區辨兩種不同史心性下的史時間觀念。這兩種史心性之別,或被解釋為西方與非西方的,或被視為文字書寫文化與無文字書寫文化的,或是「近代民族主義下」與「傳統史心性」的區分(引自王明珂1999283-342)。
在本文中,我以泰雅族gaga的故事,先明泰雅的史心性既非線性亦非循環史,而是重複強調一種小社會合作的團結基礎—倫理關係—以此形成共罪與共作的生團體。這些gaga中所表達的,強調人群間根基情感的史心性,曾經流行於過去的泰雅社會中,而至今這些理解仍存於許多當代泰雅人的認知裡,我將gaga的敘事故事稱之為根基史(primordial history)。本文以「史如何再現」的問題意識出發,透過幾個不同階段的文本表現類型,探討泰雅族文化、文學書寫、霧社事件漫畫等再現過程中所呈現的書寫權力問題,並重新思索文化詮釋與建構中,創作者個人與文本成果之間的關係性。


In many studies, it is common to use linear history and cyclical history to distinguish two kinds of mindsets of time frames. These two historical mindsets sometimes are expressed as western vs non-western, written-form cultures vs non-written-form culture, or ‘modern nationalistic’ vs ‘traditional historical mindset’(王明珂1999283-342).

In this article, I use Atayal’s‘gaga’ stories as examples. I intend to explain why Atayal’s historical mindset has been neither linear nor cyclical, but an emphasis on repeating a united base for a small society, the relationship in ethic level. Atayal have created a collective production unit around the base, with sharing the sense of guilt- and work . These ‘gaga’ stories show the historical mindset based on interpersonal affections. This kind of historical mindset used to be prevailing in Atayal societies, and still exists in many Atayal people’s perceptions. I call the narrative stories in ‘gaga’ collectively as ‘primordial history.’ This article starts by the awareness to the question of ‘how to represent history,’ then use text expressing forms of different stages to discuss the writing rights issues aroused when the Atayal culture, literature writings and Wushe incident related comics were represented. Finally I would try to reconstruct the connection between authors and resulting texts, in the context of cultural interpretation and construction.

To the Atayal, being ruled by the different colonial authorities in recent hundred years constituted a process, leading them from ‘wordless’ to ‘writing’. When they were firstly exposed to writing, they had to face the associated historical and political conflicts of different ethic groups. Not only the competitions among intruding political forces and cultures made Atayal people lose their own autonomy and twist their self identity, but various ruling regimes constantly competed for the position for interpretation, based on imposed ideologies. We can see the inherent influences of ‘gaga’ in some Atayal and Seediq people. In the beginning toward writing, the calling rooted in history is the fundamental difference between Atayal and Seediq and other ethnics.

Keywords: writing, Atayal, representation, history, Wushe Incident


研究論文Research Article
Historical Regrets for the Pai Father and Son:
Fact Discovery in “General Pai Chung-hsi and His Couplets of Loyalty”






關鍵詞:白崇禧(Pai Chung-Hsi)、白先勇、戰後台灣、二二八事件(February 28 Incident )、宣慰台胞( pacification of Taiwan people


In April, 2012, Hsien-yung Pai published a photography-based book Father and the Republic: Impressions of General Pai Chung-hsi simultaneously in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. Pai stated that he spent more than a decade on historical research in order to write this work, which is both a biography of his father and a new look at Republican history. The book features hundreds of images, and the accompanying text gives a detailed account of the relationship between General Pai and the Republic of China. However, this book was simply a prelude for the follow-up publication of The Biography of Pai Chung-hsi.

Both books come in two volumes to present the life of Pai Chung-hsi, with each volume containing approximately the same number of pages. The first volume covers his military life on the Chinese mainland, and the second volume documents his 17 years in Taiwan. General Pai distinguished himself as a brilliant military commander of the forces for several decades in China, but then led a melancholy and lonely life in Taiwan. The author establishes historical connections between the second half of each biography and the issue of Republican history in Taiwan, and it is this issue that is examined in this paper.

More specifically, this study focuses on the relationship between General Pai and the February 28 Incident, the couplets that he wrote after this event and later was inscribed at Tainan Koxinga Shrine, and the actual historical facts underlying the narrative presented in the two biographies.

Keywords: Pai Chung-hsi, Pai Hsien-yung, Taiwan after World War II, February 28 Incident, Pacification of the Taiwanese people


研究論文Research Article
Whereabouts Unknown: White Terror and the Identity Track of Taiwanese Intellectuals in the Post-war Era
An Oral History of Yang De-zong in Tainan’s Case

Yang, Ya-Hui




This paper aimed to discuss a victimization case during the martial law era in Taiwan, the case of Dezong Yang in Tainan, and explored the absence and quietness of the intellectuals of his generation in the post-war history. Dezong Yang is a son of colonial academic elites nurtured by local culture and Japanese education. The Taiwan consciousness was raised during 228 Incident, which is the transitional fracture of the post-war era. The 50s was a period in the White Terror when all dissidents were suppressed. Having participated in a study group where intellectuals discussed about state affairs, Dezong Yang was imprisoned for five years due to his “participation in a rebel group”, for which his human right was seriously violated. After his release before the end of the martial law era, he could only identify himself with an occulted and ruptured identity, suppressing his inner local consciousness. The trajectory of his identity was tortuous, blurred, fractured and unclear, which is tantamount to the subject identity history of the other intellectuals across the end of the post-war era. This paper attempted to reexamine these archives as to discover why they assumed the responsibilities of the state with their intuition of justice in that turbulent era with the danger of tumbling down and falling. Through the oral history narrated by Dezong Yang, we revealed the past, dug deeply into the memory of victimization and tried hard to describe the spiritual trajectory of the generation experiencing the transitions of the 20th century.

Keywords: White Terror, Taiwanese intellectuals, identity, case in Tainan, Dezong Yang


研究論文Research Article
“I am abandon” ─ discuss the identity and the abandonment esthetics of Lo,Yi-Chin’s poetry "Abandoned Story"
Lee, Kuei-Yun





“I am the abandoned”: On Luo Yijun’s Subjectivity and Aesthetics of the Abandoned in The Story of the Abandoned
The Taiwanese novelist Luo Yijun republished his first poetry collection, The Story of the Abandoned, in 2013 and claimed many times the special significance of poetry to his own life. Statements like poetry as his youngest daughter and poetry as the primary form of flat, constrained life may sound strange, but could be inspiriting to the researchers who aim to explore the meaning of poetry writing for Luo Yijun. With reference to psychoanalytic theory, this paper intends to explicate Luo Yijun’s self-consciousness of being abandoned and the way in which he reconstructs his subjectivity by returning to the primary form of life. Based on the theory of abjection, this paper further explores how Luo Yijun accomplishes his aesthetics of the abandoned through the ruthless uncovering of the filthy and the unceasing writing of the abandoned and being abandoned.

Keywords: The Story of the Abandoned, subjectivity, aesthetics of the Abandoned, mirror stage, abjection



    本期共刊登八篇文稿,首先是詩人葉維廉先生的特約稿Classical Taiwan Poetry這是葉先生在美國加州大學為大學生介紹臺灣古典詩時英譯的作品,內容涉及台灣傳聞、歷史人物、詩體承襲轉用、台灣風俗等;在台灣文學努力向外譯介的今天,葉先生的嘗試值得矚目。研究論文共有七篇依時代先後排序〈千態萬形,莫可擬仿:清代台灣與地〈擬鮑明遠舞鶴賦〉試析〉一文以清代賦家曹敬的「擬古賦」為起點,透過「互文性」的角度,探索台灣賦的書寫,既有本土的特色又可以放在清帝國賦學的脈絡下進行比較分析,為「台灣賦」的研究拓展視野。社群的「現代」意義:以「櫟社」其詩人作品為研究中心〉一文,嘗試從吸納現代新知,產生領先時代的意識與行動之面向,探索日治時期傳統漢詩社「櫟社」所可能開展出的現代意義。〈失傳的廖添丁——全本《臺灣義賊新歌廖添丁》中的庶民話語〉,透過文獻考索,披露新發現的全十二本廖添丁歌仔冊,從中勾勒1950年代臺灣人心目中「義賊」廖添丁的形象,透顯了庶民內心對正義公理的想望與期盼。〈歷史的演替與書寫權力──論泰雅族神話與文化的再現問題〉一文以「歷史如何再現」的提問出發,探討泰雅族文化、文學書寫、霧社事件漫畫等再現過程中所呈現的書寫權力問題,並重新思索文化詮釋與建構中,創作者個人與文本之間的關係。至於〈缺憾還諸白氏父子:為「白崇禧與將軍題聯」拾遺補綴〉與〈行方不明:白色恐怖與戰後台灣知識份子的認同軌跡〉兩篇都涉及戰後白色恐怖所可能產生的扭曲與錯謬不管是來自中國的將領白崇禧或台灣知識青年楊德宗,都在政治的巨大陰影下,抱著遺憾與惘惘的傷痛,瘖啞乃至缺席了。透過文獻史料、口述訪談的增補,兩文皆嘗試勾勒戰後來台/在台人民的受難記憶及其精神軌跡,可以相互參照。〈「我是棄」──論駱以軍《棄的故事》之主體認同與遺棄美學〉一文從精神分析學說的「主體理論」,解析駱以軍詩集《棄的故事》裡的主體重建;並借鑒「賤斥理論」討論駱以軍如同透過「不斷遺棄」與剝開「髒污」的詩語書寫,成就其「遺棄美學」。



特稿Feature Article
Classical Taiwan Poetry

Yip, Wai-Lim


研究論文Research Article
A Research about the Imitation of Bao Zhao’s Dancing Crane Fu during Qing Dynasty

You, Shih-Hung





Taiwanese writer Cao Jing’s “The Fu modeled Bao Zhao’s Dancing Crane Fu” was not the only one imitation in Qing Dynasty. There were fifteen similar works in mainland China. The difference between Cao Jing and others was Cao Jing writing in metric style. These imitative works were devoted to the description of the flying crane posture. The flying crane in the works symbolized the extraordinary Fu——the flying crane can not be imitated means the Fu of Qing Dynasty is unmatchable.

Keywords: Fu of Taiwan, Cao Jing, Bao Zhao, Dancing Crane Fu, imitation