2012年4月1日 星期日

相聚、離開、沉默、流浪—— 閱讀蘇偉貞的「眷村四部曲」

—— 閱讀蘇偉貞的「眷村四部曲」

Community, Separation, Silence, and the Vagrant Life:
Reading Su-Wei-Zhan

Jaw, Ching-hwa





Over the past few decades, changes in the historical condition and in the political structure of Taiwan has greatly transformed the appearance, life style and inner-meaning of the Mainland Veteran Villages. The social position of Village residents in Taiwanese society has also changed. These changes not only significantly altered the ways the residents perceive the world within and without the Mainland Veteran Villages, but also affect their reflections towards themselves both as a community and as individuals.
This essay focuses on four novels by Su-Wei-Zhan “You- yuan- qian- li”(有緣千里), Leaving Tong-fang”(離開同方), “The silent island”(沉默之島) and “The line of the time”(時光隊伍) , as a means of exploring how this particular writer, a second generation member of a Mainland Veteran Village, describes the identity, memories and even affection of those who shared similar experiences when confronted with the changing and eventual vanishing of their hometown. Su produced a clear narrative of the way of life and spiritual images of the Mainland Veteran Villages’ residents through the years. Moreover, these books reveal how the thoughts and identity of the Village residents were influenced to a great extent by the power and manipulation of the government and the ruling political party, even though they were hidden behind the scene of ordinary lives in the village.

Keyword: Su-Wei-Zhan(蘇偉貞)‚ the Mainland Veteran Villages(眷村)、“You- yuan- qian- li”《有緣千里》、“Leaving Tong-fang”《離開同方》、“The silent island”《沉默之島》、“The line of the time”《時光隊伍》、identity


