—— 閱讀蘇偉貞的「眷村四部曲」
Community, Separation, Silence, and the Vagrant Life:
Reading Su-Wei-Zhan
Jaw, Ching-hwa
Over the past few decades, changes in the historical condition and in the political structure of Taiwan has greatly transformed the appearance, life style and inner-meaning of the Mainland Veteran Villages. The social position of Village residents in Taiwanese society has also changed. These changes not only significantly altered the ways the residents perceive the world within and without the Mainland Veteran Villages, but also affect their reflections towards themselves both as a community and as individuals.
This essay focuses on four novels by Su-Wei-Zhan “You- yuan- qian- li”(有緣千里), Leaving Tong-fang”(離開同方), “The silent island”(沉默之島) and “The line of the time”(時光隊伍) , as a means of exploring how this particular writer, a second generation member of a Mainland Veteran Village, describes the identity, memories and even affection of those who shared similar experiences when confronted with the changing and eventual vanishing of their hometown. Su produced a clear narrative of the way of life and spiritual images of the Mainland Veteran Villages’ residents through the years. Moreover, these books reveal how the thoughts and identity of the Village residents were influenced to a great extent by the power and manipulation of the government and the ruling political party, even though they were hidden behind the scene of ordinary lives in the village.
Keyword: Su-Wei-Zhan(蘇偉貞)‚ the Mainland Veteran Villages(眷村)、“You- yuan- qian- li”《有緣千里》、“Leaving Tong-fang”《離開同方》、“The silent island”《沉默之島》、“The line of the time”《時光隊伍》、identity
2012年4月1日 星期日
形式美學與敘事政治—— 日據時期台灣自然主義小說研究
—— 日據時期台灣自然主義小說研究
Politics of Narrative and Aesthetics:
Taiwanese Naturalist Fiction during the Period of Japanese Occupation
Liu, Nai-Tzu
The upsurge of naturalist fiction during the period of Japanese occupation is a main cultural feature of the connecting between Taiwanese and the world literature. More importantly, it reshaped the literary movement of the 1940s. From the viewpoint of aesthetic effect, naturalism lifts up the artistic level of Taiwanese realist literature during that time. In addition, the belief in a so-called objective narrative enabled those naturalist writers to escape the dominant discourses of colonial government and strive to create their own figurative environment of free speech. Unfortunately, the value of the naturalist literature of the 1940s is not yet fully recognized, nor is the variety of literary trends in early Taiwanese literature well discussed. Hence, this paper attempts to explore the cultural and social significance of naturalist writing strategy. I will analyze the representative works by Lu He-juo, Lung Ying-tsong and Wang Chang-hsiung, in order to probe into the process and the impact of naturalist fiction upon Taiwanese literature during the period of Japanese occupation.
Keywords: Naturalism, Narrative aesthetics, Lu He-juo, Lung Ying-tsong , Wang Chang-hsiung
—— 日據時期台灣自然主義小說研究
Politics of Narrative and Aesthetics:
Taiwanese Naturalist Fiction during the Period of Japanese Occupation
Liu, Nai-Tzu
The upsurge of naturalist fiction during the period of Japanese occupation is a main cultural feature of the connecting between Taiwanese and the world literature. More importantly, it reshaped the literary movement of the 1940s. From the viewpoint of aesthetic effect, naturalism lifts up the artistic level of Taiwanese realist literature during that time. In addition, the belief in a so-called objective narrative enabled those naturalist writers to escape the dominant discourses of colonial government and strive to create their own figurative environment of free speech. Unfortunately, the value of the naturalist literature of the 1940s is not yet fully recognized, nor is the variety of literary trends in early Taiwanese literature well discussed. Hence, this paper attempts to explore the cultural and social significance of naturalist writing strategy. I will analyze the representative works by Lu He-juo, Lung Ying-tsong and Wang Chang-hsiung, in order to probe into the process and the impact of naturalist fiction upon Taiwanese literature during the period of Japanese occupation.
Keywords: Naturalism, Narrative aesthetics, Lu He-juo, Lung Ying-tsong , Wang Chang-hsiung
自我、他者、共同體——論洪耀勳 〈 風土文化觀 〉
——論洪耀勳 〈 風土文化觀 〉
Self, Other and Community:
A Discussion on Hung Yao-Shun’s “Fudo Bunkakan: Taiwan Fudo No Renkan Ni Oite”
Lin, Chin-Li
This paper seeks to analyze Hung Yao-Shun's "Fudo Bunkakan: Taiwan Fudo No Renkan Ni Oite" ( 風土文化観:台湾風土との関連に於いて ) which was one of the most important philosophical essays written by a Taiwanese scholar in the 1930s. It can be seen not only as the response to Hsiang-t'u Debate but also as Hung Yao Shun’s effort to establish the theoretical basement for "Taiwan's uniqueness". In Hung's essay, he is inspired by the ideas of Japanese Philosopher Watsuji Tetsuro's newly published book, Fudo: Ningengaku teki kosa ( 風土:人間学的考察 ), which emphasized that human existence is constituted both by the aspects of history (time) and climate (space). Based on Watsuji's theory and Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit as his theoretical framework, Hung discusses how Taiwanese people understood themselves and developed their own unique culture. In spite of Hung's philosophical attempts to discover what Taiwan's uniqueness consisted of, his essay has not drawn much attention by recent researchers partly due to his highly abstract style of writing. Thus in this paper, I explore how Hung was trying to find Taiwan's historical and social uniqueness under the powerful cultural influences of Japan and China.
Keywords: Fudo (climate), self, other, community, time, space
——論洪耀勳 〈 風土文化觀 〉
Self, Other and Community:
A Discussion on Hung Yao-Shun’s “Fudo Bunkakan: Taiwan Fudo No Renkan Ni Oite”
Lin, Chin-Li
This paper seeks to analyze Hung Yao-Shun's "Fudo Bunkakan: Taiwan Fudo No Renkan Ni Oite" ( 風土文化観:台湾風土との関連に於いて ) which was one of the most important philosophical essays written by a Taiwanese scholar in the 1930s. It can be seen not only as the response to Hsiang-t'u Debate but also as Hung Yao Shun’s effort to establish the theoretical basement for "Taiwan's uniqueness". In Hung's essay, he is inspired by the ideas of Japanese Philosopher Watsuji Tetsuro's newly published book, Fudo: Ningengaku teki kosa ( 風土:人間学的考察 ), which emphasized that human existence is constituted both by the aspects of history (time) and climate (space). Based on Watsuji's theory and Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit as his theoretical framework, Hung discusses how Taiwanese people understood themselves and developed their own unique culture. In spite of Hung's philosophical attempts to discover what Taiwan's uniqueness consisted of, his essay has not drawn much attention by recent researchers partly due to his highly abstract style of writing. Thus in this paper, I explore how Hung was trying to find Taiwan's historical and social uniqueness under the powerful cultural influences of Japan and China.
Keywords: Fudo (climate), self, other, community, time, space